Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Washington, DC: Day 1

After a heartbreaking goodbye to our dear dogs, we hit the road for Washington, DC. It still amazes me that we live close enough that we can drive to a real destination in less than five hours. The last time we visited DC we came in on a train. We talked about doing that again, but ultimately decided against it for practical reasons. We did, however, leave our car parked at our Bed & Breakfast. More on that later.

The entire point of this trip was to shuffle around Smithsonian museums, and that is exactly what we have done. We arrived in DC at 2pm, and after getting checked in, unwinding and regrouping from the drive and relearning the Metro system, it was 4pm by the time we actually stepped into our first museum, the National Museum of American History. Please enjoy some photos!

More pictures to come!

1 comment:

Fourstorymistake said...

I like the photos of you, Bronwen and your kids! I hope they got a chance to get some sun on vacation.