Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The new format.

I know that I haven't posted here in a long time. I'm not even going to apologize for that. I toyed with the idea of taking it down completely, but I never did. In the meantime I got a Nexus One smartphone. I can take reasonably good pictures and post them immediately. So now NXNC is being re-purposed as a daily photo blog. There will be changes to the look and format, and there will be very little - if any - text here. I'll be posting occasional photos from around Raleigh. Look for lots of pictures of Lux and Julian.

Please feel free to comment but don't feel obligated. I hope you enjoy this peek into our beautiful city!


miriamt said...

wow...that phone takes great pictures!!! looking forward to this blog!!

Sally said...

I love this new format! Great idea!